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Featured Article

Boundaries for Codependents
Contributed By Family Tools

In this video, Boundaries for Codependents, co-therapists Jerry and Deborah Meints present the reasons for having good boundaries, the steps necessary to create them effectively, and specific tools to set and communicate boundaries in clear, effective, and loving ways. In addition, this program teaches six steps for emotional well being, and sets out clear "ground rules" for positive self-regard -- the basis of good boundaries.

Being able to set clear and effective interpersonal boundaries is a necessary skill in maintaining good relationships. When boundaries are not set, when they are not clear or understood by you and your partner and other family members, your relationships break down and your sense of yourself is greatly diminished. The lack of good boundaries is often the core problem in hostile, unhappy and dysfunctional relationships.

Poor or non-existent boundaries are certainly a key feature of unhealthy codependent relationships. When one partner focuses too much on taking care of the other person at his or her own expense, or is so unclear about their own boundaries that s/he is not able to maintain a healthy sense of Self, the quality of life for all involved is in trouble.

An emotionally healthy person has a sense of what he or she needs from others and believes in the right to have those needs met in appropriate ways. Codependent people struggle with even believing they have a right to have boundaries, and therefore they do not have the practice and the skill to set them effectively.

This program provides a good definition of personal boundaries with common examples, and it describes the process of setting and communicating healthy boundaries to partners and family members. The tools presented are very effective in overcoming codependence and in being able to enhance intimacy and mutual growth in any primary relationship.

This video is part of the Family Tools series developed by Dr. Jerry and Deborah Meints of Village Counseling in Palm Desert, California.

© Copyright 2004 Purpose Media and Family Tools. No unauthorized duplication without written consent.

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